Senior Leader
Apostle Talman Dean Sr.
God called Apostle Talman L. Dean Sr. into ministry on November 17, 1991, and he has faithfully and diligently made his call and election sure. In November 2005, God spoke to him concerning pastoral-ship. Transforming Lives Christian Center was established on April 1, 2006. Apostle Talman L. Dean was ordained by his overseer, Apostle Lorenzo Irving, of Life Center of Deliverance on April 30, 2006.
Apostle Dean has an Apostolic, Prophetic, and Teaching grace in his life, equipping the saints for the work of the ministry, building the body of Christ, and bringing them into maturity to impact the Kingdom of God. He is gracious in teaching the body of Christ how to live by the Word of God so that their lives will be changed. Apostle Dean has
Apostolic and prophetic grace builds up five-fold leaders to fulfill their calling and to walk in honesty, integrity, truth, and sincerity.

Senior Leader
Apostle Celeste Dean
Apostle Celeste Dean has been married for 36 years to Apostle Talman L. Dean Sr. They have three children: Talman Jr., Dorothy, and Sakeena, and twelve grandchildren.
Apostle Celeste accepted the Lord when she was twelve years old, under the leadership of the late Elder Issac Phillip Sr. While in New Joy Community Choir, under the direction of Michael Ford, she became the head intercessor. God called her to be an armor-bearer during her tenure at the Assembly of Faith Outreach Center. In 2004, she was called to be a Pastor because of her servanthood and heart for God’s people. Apostle Celeste Dean is called to be a midwife in the spirit. She is equipped to teach women how to give birth to their destiny and not miscarry or abort God’s mission for their lives. In 2006, Apostle Talman and Celeste Dean founded Transforming Lives Christian Center. God elevated her to Apostleship in February 2015. October of 2016,
Apostle Celeste published her book entitled My Life… My Journey…
Apostle Celeste acknowledges it not by might nor power but by His spirit.